What happens if I change my mind about Hospice Care?

What happens if I change my mind about Hospice Care?

hospice careIf a loved one is signed up for hospice care, it does not mean that you are “stuck” with that decision.  Some families are worried that if they sign up for hospice, they are forever locked in that decision and forfeit their future choices- which is very untrue.

How Do I Suspend Hospice Services?

When hospice services are presented to an individual and their families, Angels Grace Hospice always makes sure that all parties understand there is a form that can be filled out called a Revocation Form.  Once this form is completed and signed, hospice services are terminated immediately.

What Are Some Reasons to Withdraw From Hospice Care?

For example, if a patient with Medicare coverage decides to seek a new treatment option, once the Revocation form is completed, their insurance reverts back to traditional Medicare and hospice will no longer bill under Hospice Medicare benefits.

Another example, if a loved one falls and suffers a fracture that requires invasive treatment/hospitalization the family may decide to revoke hospice benefits.  Again the revocation form needs to be completed, hospice services will be held and not billed to Medicare, and Medicare benefits would then resume coverage for the hospitalization stay.  Once the individual is returned back to their place of residence, families can then re-elect to have hospice services resume care.

There are many scenarios for which the decision can be made to stop hospice services, but remember you still have choices. The hospice team at Angel’s Grace would walk you through the process to help you make the best decision for you and your loved one.  After all, we want what is best for our patients and their families!

At Angels Grace Hospice, in Bolingbrook, IL we provide customized care plans specific to each of the patients and their families.  We provide end-of-life care at home, hospitals, skilled nursing homes or assisted-living facilities depending on individual circumstances.  Contact us with any questions and for further assistance with your end of life care options.