99 year old Charles Schlicher always greeted his boys with his trademark handshake. The home page photo shows Charles exchanging a loving handshake with his grandson, Jim. We were blessed to serve Charles and his family and grateful to his family for allowing us to share this beautiful photograph taken by Jim’s wife, Michelle.

Excerpt from Jim Schlicher’s Facebook regarding his beloved grandfather, Charles Schlicher:
Thank you to all who looked and commented on mine and Michelle’s status today. You all know I am new to this FB thing but it was a great feeling to share and have grandpa’s memory be appreciated. Thank you Jeff, you are truly missed and I miss our team too. Two more photos to share, Grandpa on his last ride Father’s Day 4 years ago (96 years old) and a thank you to Angels Grace Hospice & Palliative Care who was there with us until Grandpa passed. Thank you for making that handshake live on and affect so many others. You will never understand how much you were appreciated last year. Thank you again everyone.
Excerpt from Michelle Schlicher’s Facebook:
He was a VERY loyal & proud man.. Always greeted the boys with his “handshake” another vivid memory I will ALWAYS have of him. We were fortunate to capture his very last handshake here on earth with a photo… Which today, now stand as a symbol…for many… And his memory lives on!!
Thank you “angels of grace hospice” who now displays the photo we captured… as you walk into their office.