Meet Jasmin Aguilar, Nurse Case Manager

Meet Jasmin Aguilar, Nurse Case Manager

As we celebrate our CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistant) this week, we wanted you to hear from our very own who was our CNA and now has graduated to become a Nurse Case Manager.

She has wanted to be a nurse since she was young when she would make sure any injured child on the playground was okay. Working at Angels Grace Hospice—even through the Covid-19 pandemic—inspired her on her journey, went to school, and has now graduated.

Congratulations Jasmin!

National Nursing Assistants Week

Nursing Assistants Week

National Nursing Assistants Week, which takes place on the Thursday of the second full week of June, is a week full of celebrations honoring the hard work of assistant nurses. This year, it is held from June 14th to 20th.

Certified Nursing Assistants began working under the Red Cross program during World War 1 and have served alongside U.S. Army nurses. Hundreds of young women were trained to care for wounded soldiers in reserve, field, base, and civilian hospitals.

Did you know that before 1987, nursing assistants were not required to have a formal education?