Planning For Palliative Care

Planning For Palliative Care

Planning For Palliative CareWondering if Planning for Palliative Care is the Right Plan For You or Your Loved One? 

Please review the following guidance to see if palliative care fits into your current needs..

Consider palliative care if you wish to continue your medical treatments with fewer hospitalizations and better symptom management for your chronic medical condition(s). Our team of professionals will help guide you with recommendations that will better control your illness which in turn will enhance your lifestyle.  These services include agreed upon scheduled visits in the comfort of your home setting, whether it is in a private home, an Assisted Living Facility or a Skilled Nursing Facility.

Communication is of utmost importance for your care plan therefore, our Palliative Care Team is in constant communication with your primary medical team- allowing your trusted primary physician to continue his/her relationship with you. Therefore, your primary medical team will maintain the control necessary to manage your medications, write orders for any new or changed medication, order labs, and schedule office visits in the same fashion that you are currently accustomed.  Palliative care will provide emotional support, recommendations for current or foreseen concerns, and with your permission maintain communication with others involved in your care including your family members.

Palliative care is for someone who wishes to be in the driver’s seat of their illness with the Palliative Care Team as the passengers, allowing extra eyes and ears to watch the road ahead with the goal of enabling a smooth ride and the final destination determined by you.  Palliative care provides an individualized plan of care with patient’s involvement encouraged and respected.

So if you wish to have additional caring, trusting, and compassionate passengers in the car driven by you, then palliative care is the right choice!  It might have been noticeable how often the word YOU was verbalized.  That is to show YOU how important YOU are in an individualized plan of care!

As a Registered Nurse employed for the past 4 years at Angels Grace Hospice and Palliative Care, I am confident that our palliative care services will not only meet but will exceed your expectations.  We believe in what you believe, your quality of life is significant to us and we take pride in being allowed to participate in your care.

At Angels Grace Hospice, in Bolingbrook, IL we provide customized care plans specific to each of patients and their families.  We provide end-of-life care or palliative care at home, hospitals, skilled nursing homes or assisted-living facilities depending on individual circumstances.  Contact us with any questions and for further assistance with your end of life care options.